Gratuitous Turkey Talk (or Because I really just felt like writing and couldn't come up with a better name for this blog)

Yesterday, while I was having a bit of a power nap on a massage table, my husband texted me the following:  "Can't find the turkey recipe."  Once I awoke from said power nap (which I actually woke myself up a couple of times snoring - sorry Massage Lady!), I saw the text and promptly hit my blog.  I had memorialized said turkey recipe back in 2007 in a post and figured it would just be easier to send him the link.  

And then I started reading my blog.  This is something I haven't done in EONS.  Blogging is something that I used to love to do.  I would write about stupid stuff.  I could write for hours.  I could and would write about any stupid thing I could possibly come up with.  I loved it.  Correction, I love it.  Well, maybe... I love writing.  At least, I think I do.  I'm honestly not sure.  

I laughed at some of my entries.  I enjoyed reading the various entries and the silliness that the kids had said, the various adventures that we all got into and I'm thinking that yeah... I need to get back to that.  I'm out of practice.  I need to write more.  I need to be more vocal and I need to have more fun with it.  So yeah... Here goes.


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