Christmas Recap
Well, we're on the eve of New Year's Eve and it's been a busy few days. Yesterday was the first day that I just got to sit for a minute and what did I do? I ended up taking our tree down, rearranging some furniture and doing some laundry. I find myself asking "This is supposed to be a vacation, right?"
Christmas was excellent! We went to Casey's parents the day before Christmas Eve and had dinner with them, my sis-in-law, her hubby, their kids and Aunt Barb (who is one of the most amusing people I have ever met and I love her to death!). Dint thaner was tasty! Tasty! Tasty! After that, we all hung out being slugs and chatted while watching The Amazing Race. Monday (Christmas Eve) Casey, the kids and I went to my mom's house for dinner with her and the Maddox clan (my mom's boyfriend and his family... kids, grandkid and his sister). Another tasty meal had and then we headed home where my Dad was waiting for us.
This was the first Christmas that I've spent with my dad in about 8 years. We've seen him around Christmas before, but we haven't actually spent Christmas together since Lily was 6 months old. It was nice to have him here even though I'm sure we drove him absolutely bonkers.
The present run down mainly consists of several DVDs that I wanted including the first three seasons of Nip/Tuck (which I still haven't gotten to watch... oh, I am so looking forward to the sex and debauchery that is Nip/Tuck! Whoo hoo!), Pirates of the Caribbean 3, the latest Harry Potter movie (Order of the Phoenix) and my big gift from Casey??? A brand spankin' new 7.1 surround sound system!! OHMYGODIT'SSOBEAUTIFUL!!! I'm totally enjoying it! Last night we watched Blade Runner the final cut (another one of my presents) with the surround sound and I actually thought it was raining outside! It's teh awesome!
Lily got everything she wanted and then some, but her big present this year was the game Rock Band, which we played from about 10AM Christmas morning until 5PM that evening. We've been playing it every evening since. Carrie and Keven got addicted to it as well since we took it over to the parental units' house the day after Christmas. Fun fun fun!
Jack got several baby toys and some clothes. I got Casey a couple of video games, a new pair of Dan Post cowboy boots (I actually got the ones he wanted, too!) and I also got him a gift certificate for an hour long massage which he has decided to save until the spring when he will really need the massage. He says he wants to wait, but he poured concrete just the other day, so I don't know... He may schedule it sooner rather than later.
Life has been busy. We're contemplating having a New Year's party. I'm thinking something totally casual where we watch movies and play games until about 5 minutes until the ball drops. I honestly can't remember the last time I was awake until midnight on New Years, though. Having friends over would definitely be fun, though. Like a giant slumber party, yeah?
That's what we've been up to. I'm now going to try and sneak upstairs for a nap and some Nip/Tuck. Ah, the joys of MacBook!
Merry Christmas everyone!!
Christmas was excellent! We went to Casey's parents the day before Christmas Eve and had dinner with them, my sis-in-law, her hubby, their kids and Aunt Barb (who is one of the most amusing people I have ever met and I love her to death!). Dint thaner was tasty! Tasty! Tasty! After that, we all hung out being slugs and chatted while watching The Amazing Race. Monday (Christmas Eve) Casey, the kids and I went to my mom's house for dinner with her and the Maddox clan (my mom's boyfriend and his family... kids, grandkid and his sister). Another tasty meal had and then we headed home where my Dad was waiting for us.
This was the first Christmas that I've spent with my dad in about 8 years. We've seen him around Christmas before, but we haven't actually spent Christmas together since Lily was 6 months old. It was nice to have him here even though I'm sure we drove him absolutely bonkers.
The present run down mainly consists of several DVDs that I wanted including the first three seasons of Nip/Tuck (which I still haven't gotten to watch... oh, I am so looking forward to the sex and debauchery that is Nip/Tuck! Whoo hoo!), Pirates of the Caribbean 3, the latest Harry Potter movie (Order of the Phoenix) and my big gift from Casey??? A brand spankin' new 7.1 surround sound system!! OHMYGODIT'SSOBEAUTIFUL!!! I'm totally enjoying it! Last night we watched Blade Runner the final cut (another one of my presents) with the surround sound and I actually thought it was raining outside! It's teh awesome!
Lily got everything she wanted and then some, but her big present this year was the game Rock Band, which we played from about 10AM Christmas morning until 5PM that evening. We've been playing it every evening since. Carrie and Keven got addicted to it as well since we took it over to the parental units' house the day after Christmas. Fun fun fun!
Jack got several baby toys and some clothes. I got Casey a couple of video games, a new pair of Dan Post cowboy boots (I actually got the ones he wanted, too!) and I also got him a gift certificate for an hour long massage which he has decided to save until the spring when he will really need the massage. He says he wants to wait, but he poured concrete just the other day, so I don't know... He may schedule it sooner rather than later.
Life has been busy. We're contemplating having a New Year's party. I'm thinking something totally casual where we watch movies and play games until about 5 minutes until the ball drops. I honestly can't remember the last time I was awake until midnight on New Years, though. Having friends over would definitely be fun, though. Like a giant slumber party, yeah?
That's what we've been up to. I'm now going to try and sneak upstairs for a nap and some Nip/Tuck. Ah, the joys of MacBook!
Merry Christmas everyone!!