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Life in the fishbowl.

When we moved to Florida 5 years ago, I saw things going very differently.  We were excited to escape the snow and increasingly colder winters that northern Indiana was experiencing.  I was looking forward to not having to hibernate from November until March every year due to that cold and hopefully shaking off what I can only imagine to be some form of seasonal depressive disorder.   Moving to Florida was not only going to give me the opportunity to increase and build my business (which it has) but it was also going to get me back to being an outdoor girl - complete with adventures and exploring new places.  We had planned to do this whole social media influencer type thing with my real estate business and well, you know what they say about making plans.... Almost instantly, we had to return to Indiana for my Mom's funeral.  We had the kids adjusting to new schools which was harder than we realized and then all plans were completely shut down due to the Covid pandemic.  Our entire

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