Have I really been gone THAT long?
So, I log onto the blog this afternoon (it's been what I consider a yucky morning/afternoon) and my last post was in March. MARCH! It's August for crying out loud! Not only that, but it's almost the middle of august! Lily starts back to school next Tuesday and I'm about to be left alone with a very rambunctious 2 1/2 year old boy who just discovered that jumping off the top of the cat pole to the couch is a fun albeit unsafe activity.
I keep looking at the calendar and I can't believe that it was March when I last wrote. Since then we have moved to the country, I raced with my dad in the Mini Cooper at the Nashville Super Speedway, attended a film festival where I met Lloyd Kaufman (the president of Troma films) and premiered Big Hat Cowboy Productions short film, Small Change, met a ton of new people, had an awesome summer in which Lily learned how to ride a horse proper and there was massive amounts of swimming.
It's really quite lovely out here. I like everything. I even like the bats that fly around. I don't like the bugs or spiders, but it hasn't been a horrible year for mosquitos and the bats take care of a lot of those little bug thingeys.
We just started pre-production for a new movie. We shoot this one at the beginning of October. I'm looking forward to it because it was written and is being directed by my good friend Tara. So far it has been really been working with her. We've been talking about it for a year but it's taken a good project to actually get me motivated. Casey has also been writing a lot lately. It's fun to watch him write and hear his stories. I remember when we first started dating all those many years ago and he would tell me all of these incredible stories that he wanted to write and then he started writing. And now I'm getting new stories and it's so wonderful! I love hearing new stories. The best part is now that I get to help with the creation of these stories and eventually I get to help these stories come to life.
There are so many things going on. I can't wait to share this adventure with you!