I'd like to take a moment between puking...
We are at 12 weeks with bambino number three. On the good days, we call said fetus "Megan" or "Liam" (we don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet, but which ever it is it will either be a Megan or a Liam) and on bad days, we call it "Steve." For that particular reference, I refer you to the song "We like sportz" by Lonely Island. Go listen and then laugh at how insane we are, but I must say that if you had been anywhere near as pukey as I have been, you too would be calling the parasite currently being hosted in my uterus Steve. End of discussion.
In the past few weeks we've also been busy doing that whole movie thing. We've been working on our friend Tara Eary's project, "A Vegan Mess." I'm still not 100% in love with the name, but we don't have much better of a name, so yeah. Day one was awful. We're talking horrible, terrible complete waste of a day. We managed to salvage the office location footage, but the apartment footage was so absolutely horrible that we scrapped it and re-shot it on our last day.
Day two, which was a Sunday, was a much better day but it was our busiest day. We had our "protest" scene, for which only 6 extras showed up. This would mean we had to do a very very fast rewrite of the scene and ended up saving our extras for later scenes that were filmed at the YMCA in Elkhart.
Day two went smoothly and we were all exhausted by the end of it. But when things go smoothly, you find yourself energized by that fact. I don't think I've ever seen us get the hell off a set quite that fast, though. We were all ready to go home by the end of day 2.
Day three, the following saturday, was hilarious. This was our big "shark bites" scene, complete with Tara's hubby Geoff in a shark costume. The best part was when we invaded an OPEN Mexican Grocery Store. Despite having to work around customers (apparently the meat counter is BIG business on weekends), we had a blast and even garnered a few new fans. Although, I think the owner was ready for us to be out of there. The footage looks amazing, though, and we're all really proud.
After that, we re-filmed all of the apartment stuff not in the apartment, but in our house. I'm still finding feathers, but actually covering Tara in feathers and fake blood? That was soooo worth it. It was almost as fun as making fake bird poo and watching it get dumped on her on our last day of shooting. I'm really glad we got footage of Casey laughing his ass off because I don't think I've heard him laugh that hard in a while.
We are now into week two of post production and I also was just told that "5cm Peter" is in the Wet Your Pants! Comedy Film Festival in Indianapolis next month. I'm wondering if I can talk Casey into taking a vacation just the two of us for that weekend. I gotta find out about whether or not they're gonna give us discounted or free tickets, though. We shall see.
Other than that, it's been a lot of couch surfing and napping. I'm starting to get some energy back but it's in spurts. I'd love to not puke any more, but I'm not holding my breath. Luckily, if things get too bad, I can just take some phenegrin and take a nap. Love the phenegrin.
That's where we are. Yep, I'm dull .