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Mind Shift

Yesterday Kacy and I met up with one of our besties, Marisa, for breakfast.  It's been months since I met up with Marisa and since Kacy and I wanted to wrap up our Christmas shopping.  It has been hard to get into the spirit of the season with everything going down, starting to finally recover from burnout... The other day, for the first time in I don't know how long, I actually had a little dance party for myself and blasted music in the living room.  I think it's the first time since we moved into our current home that I've actually done that... We've been in our current house for 3 years.  I've always had to come to things myself.   People close to me- my parents, Kacy, Marisa, other close friends, they have pointed out to me that I have to slow down, take a step back, recover, and trust the process.  I am impatient. I tend to be impulsive and I can't count the number of times that I've joked about how our family motto should be "Jump and figure ...

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