
Someone from my past that I don't like very much (this person lied to me for 10+ years about everything in their life) just popped up on my radar after almost 2 years of hiding.  It was sheer, dumb luck, too.  I'm fairly sure she still checks in on this blog, hoping maybe to see her name in writing so she can be all like "See! What a bitch!"  I'm not naming names.  I'm not going to give her that satisfaction.  What I am going to do, however, is send a very nicely worded postcard congratulating her on her marriage.  

This person 100% broke my heart.  It was a betrayal by a friend that I held so close to me, considered her a sister for over a decade, we watched our kids grow up together, and she lied to me about every single little thing.... Including telling me that her allegedly abusive stepmom had finally passed away from cancer.   It wasn't until the story unraveled and I actually spoke with her Dad and Stepmom (who was very lovely) that I discovered exactly how much she lied to me about. 

She disappeared, me not having any recourse to go after her and honestly, she doesn't have any money, so what good is going after her?  The worst part?  I loved and still love her daughter.  I'm scared for her daughter.  I think her daughter is being gaslit, abused mentally and emotionally.  I witnessed myself an incident where she flicked her daughter in the head for simply watching a soccer game on television when we were in a restaurant.  The kid was maybe 5 or 6 at the time.  I was stunned and my own daughter, who was there with us (and is only a few months younger than her child), instantly looked at my "friend" and said "You shouldn't hit kids.  Ever."  My "friend" turned bright red, embarrassed that she had been called out by a child.  If I hadn't been there, I'm almost positive that she would have flicked my kid too.  

The whole situation is ugly.  I hadn't thought about this person in months, and then they just popped up on my radar courtesy of an investor that I used to work with back in Indiana.  Nothing that I reported to him was false and I was more than happy to share the pictures from the destruction of the house that she abandoned and left 100% unsecured.  I have reached the point where I'm not allowing people to get away with anything and I'm 100% trusting my gut and calling people out. 

So yeah... if you are reading this.  I'm not retaliating at all against you.  You're not worth my time.  I just want you to know where you are.


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